rather well -- there are five (5) levels of protection:

★ a Deep Cheque Document (DCD) can only be produced from the original digital file and that is never given to anyone, stored on encrypted drive in a secret location
★ a Deep Cheque Document (DCD) is signed by the Issuer
★ a Deep Cheque Document (DCD) is embossed with a special seal, that would be quite difficult and costly to fake
★ a Deep Cheque Document (DCD) can have a special stamp which is red and used in addition to the seal mentioned above
★ all Deep Cheques Documents (DCDs) are numbered and logged in a database, so, a fake copy with the same number would be easily tracked and revealed.
posted: 2022-01-27

for Questions related to DCNotes please go to the Deep Cheque Org site.

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