Yes, we hear that a lot and - rest assured - it is perfectly normal, even expected !

The DeepCheque project has evolved, over the years - since 2018 - into a fairly complex and extensive system, which is now (2024) entering a new phase - becoming an alternative to other systems in place, an alternative much needed. Once you see it as an alternative you are on the right track to understanding - try reading the information and asking Questions, and - ideally - use it !

On the other hand, if you feel all is fine in this best of all worlds and no alternative is needed that's okay too - there is nothing for you here. Above all, don't waste your and our time asking "how many we sold", "the man in the street", "leads", "funnels", "conversion rate" and so on...
We do what we feel is worthwhile, we deal with humans, not customers or numbers, we create Value not merchandise. And, by the way, understanding is created too - it is not downloadable !

The statement "I don't understand !" is to your credit, not to your detriment. You show frankness and you communicate - we encourage you to discover, and are here to assist...

If you find this too abstract read the practical answer...

posted: 2020-04-22 | updated: 2024-12-01

for Questions related to DCNotes please go to the Deep Cheque Org site.

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