The Deep Cheque project democratises Art not only by making it affordable to just about anyone, but also by making co-creation possible.

The first objective was reached in early 2022, with our two formulae:
Counted Edition and Versioned Edition.
Those editions consist of triple-authenticated Art Objects continually produced during the artist lifetime, each print is logged in our database for future reference and authentication. Since there is no pre-set limit (other that artist's lifespan), the price does not have to be high. Each art piece is given a unique number - there are many possible uses for that unique number (which are still being considered).

In case of Count Edition (= Counted Edition) all prints are very similar (as in case of photographic image) or differ slightly (as in case of digital, layered images being revised, over time).
In Versioned Edition the image is recreated on each issue, based on Communication Object, to which the buyer can add his/her own elements, the process of discussing and modifying the image can extend all the way from personalisation to co-creation !
posted: 2023-03-02 | updated: 2024-05-13

for Questions related to DCNotes please go to the Deep Cheque Org site.

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