Welcome, Visitor,

Started in 2018, as a simple update of Art Printmaking, today, DeepCheque is a wide system - both material and digital, with one single objective - recognising, appreciating and feeding the precious shared resource of Human Creativity (HC) - across the planet.

At this crucial point of human history, Art - seen as physical production, as contribution to culture - is becoming a parody of itself. Its very sense is lost, its means of making - suspect, its benefits to the maker - collapsing !
The time seems right to re-think, re-define, search for a solid ground, indisputable truth, and so, we arrive at a point where there are just shapes, where a line is drawn, where line meets text and where it is all about meaning. Art is Information or it is nothing.

The work you see here is done, mostly, by one artist, the originator of this system, who - in some forty years - went from analogue to digital and back, while retaining and re-thinking the knowledge and tools acquired. The others are joining, and so can You - as a Buyer, Distributor, Contributor, and even Co-Creator.
As such are the possibilities today's technologies offer - the Art Object here is a stack of possibilities, evolving in time - reproduced, modified, transformed or even entirely re-constructed in face of your intervention.
Its value is negotiated directly with the maker, in numbered editions - Counted (CE) and
Versioned (VE), or in joint adventure of an Optative Value Object (OVO).

If Art means nothing to you, you might be excused, Creativity is a much wider concept, the DeepCheque.Org site deals with just that, focused on production of black and white prints, known as DCNotes - innovative but proven, highly-efficient Communication Objects - with broad range of practical applications.

Check and ask Questions. All communications are welcome.
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